I saw... "Got To Dance", the second season and the first live decisions; How I Met Your Mother
[Gehört] - Jasmine Thompson - Halo
I listened to... Jasmine Thompson - Halo (linked above)
[Gelesen] -"Aina - Herzorgasmus" von Nina Nell, ergänzend zu "H+E=X" von Nina
I read..."Aina - Heart Orgasm" by Nina Nell, complemental to "H+E=X" by Nina
[Gegessen] - I ate...
Und leider viel Schokolade... unfortunately I ate too much chocolate this past week :-(
[Gedacht] - I thought...
"Forget the many reasons why something shouldn´t work... believe in the one reason why it simply has to work!"
[Gefreut] - ab September bin ich wieder Schülerin/Studentin, ich freue mich schon sehr auf diese Zeit
I was happy... from September on I´ll again be a pupil/student, I´m really looking forward to that
[Gelacht] - I laughed... über diese beiden Süßen - about these two cuties
(seen on "Stylish Eve")
[Gewünscht] - I wished...
[Gekauft] - Nectra Color Haarfarbe in Schwarz zum Nachfärben
I bought... Nectra Color hair color for dyeing my hair
[Geklickt] - Wikipedia; YouTube; die Homepage der "Verbotenen Liebe", um ein paar Folgen online zu schauen
I clicked... Wikipedia; YouTube; the homepage of the TV series "Forbidden Love" to watch some episodes I missed during the last week
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