I saw... "Sherlock", the final of the first season... I´m so looking forward to the second season starting next week
[Gehört] - Anton Romero feat. Donae´O - Only You; Katy Perry - Birthday; The Weeknd - Drunk in Love
I listened to... Anton Romero feat. Donae´O - Only You; Katy Perry - Birthday; The Weeknd - Drunk in Love (all linked above)
[Gelesen] - The Law of Attraction: Liebe - Esther & Jerry Hicks
I read... The Law of Attraction: Love by Esther & Jerry Hicks
[Getan] - diverse Arztbesuche hinter mich gebracht, gechattet und telefoniert, gelesen und gechillt... beim Bloggen und Videos hochladen war ich hingegen extrem faul und unlustig diese Woche... :-(
I did... I´ve been to different doctors, I was chatting and talking on the phone, was reading and chilling... and I´ve been extremely lazy uploading videos or writing some blogs... :-(
[Gegessen] - Käseplatte mit Ei; gemischter Salat mit geräucherter Lachsforelle; Glasnudeln mit Tomatensauce

I ate... cheese plate with eggs; mixed salad with smoked salmon; glass noodles with tomato sauce
[Getrunken] - Kaffee; zuckerfreie Limo; Mineralwasser; etwas Rotwein
I drank... coffee; sugar-free lemonade; mineral water; some red wine
[Gedacht] - I thought...

"Instead of giving second chances over and over again to certain people... why not giving a first chance to someone else??"
[Gefreut] - über meine immer besser werdende Gesundheit
I was happy... about my healthiness steadily getting better and better
[Gewünscht] - es gibt so viele tolle Weiterbildungen, ich möchte so gerne einige davon absolvieren
I wished... there are so many wonderful, interesting professional trainings, I´d love to pass some of them
[Gekauft] - einen Zweierpack Mascaras von essence, ich werde sie noch näher vorstellen
I bought... two mascaras from essence, will tell more about them later
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