I saw... sometimes I watched "Forbidden Love", which is a famous soap opera in Germany, besides that I only saw "C.S.I. Las Vegas"... I might sell my TV...? :D
[Gehört] - die aktuellen und neuen Hits in Deutschland auf Spotify
I listened to... the latest hits in Germany on Spotify
[Gelesen] - meine Kontoauszüge... und so zum Heulen sahen sie nicht einmal aus... :D
I read... my statements of account... didn´t look sooo bad... ;)
[Getan] - gearbeitet, den Blog vernachlässigt, da soooviel Anderes abends dazwischen kommt, was erledigt werden will, zwei Videos hochgeladen: "Unboxing # 5" und "Volcanic Clay - was ist das?"
I did... I was working, disregarded my blogs, because there was always something else to do first, but still I was uploading two videos: "Unboxing # 5" and some informations about "Volcanic Clay" (both linked above)
[Gegessen] - Tikka Massala; indisches Naan-Brot, noch verfeinert mit Frischkäse, Kochschinken und Käse (quasi Pizza für ganz Faule); eine asiatische Pfanne mit Hackfleisch, Glasnudeln, Bohnensprossen, Kokosmilch und süß-saurer Chilisoße
I ate... Tikka Massala; Indian Naan bread improved with cream cheese, boiled ham and cheese... it was like a pizza for very lazy people... :D and then some Asian food: turkey hash, glass noodles, sprouted vegetables, coconut milk and sweetsour Chili sauce
[Gedacht] -

I thought... "There are no coincidences... what is due, will devolve..."
[Gefreut] - in Kontakt zu kommen mit jemandem aus meiner Vergangenheit und über unerwartete, doch sehr nette Komplimente
I was happy... to get in touch with someone from my past and about some unexpected, very nice flatteries
[Gelacht] ... I laughed... -
[Gekauft] - zwei Nagellacke aus der neuen ESSIE-Pastell-Limited Edition, einmal "Mamba" in einem Toffeecaramelbraun mit feinem, goldigem Schimmer und "Over the Knee", ein pastelliges Schokoladenbraun - ein Haul folgt Mitte der Woche ;)
I bought... two nail polishes from the new ESSIE Limited Edition with pastel colors, first "Mamba", which is a toffee-caramel-brown and then "Over the Knee", which is a pastel chocolate brown - I´ll upload some haul on Wednesday ;)
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