I saw... "The Lovely Bones" from my favorite hobbit Peter Jackson, always a suspenceful, yet touching film! And afterwards I watched "The Strangers", some horror flick with "Arwen"-Liv Tyler... ´twas sort of a Lord of the Rings-night, I guess... :D
[Gehört] - wie üblich die Top Hits der Woche auf Spotify, meine Favoriten sind weiterhin "Rather Be" von Clean Bandit & Jess Glynne und "Waves" von Mr. Probz
I listened to... the top hits of the week, as usual... my favorite songs still are "Rather Be" by Clean Bandit & Jess Glynne and "Waves" by Mr. Probz
[Gelesen] - (erneut zur Auffrischung und Vertiefung) "Euphoria - Das Spiel" von Nina Nell
I read... (again as a refreshment) "Euphoria - The Game" by Nina Nell
[Getan] - gearbeitet, ein Video hochgeladen: meine Ankündigung meines Oster-Gewinnspiels, wenig TV geschaut, dafür viel gelesen
I did... I was working, uploading one new video (my Easter competition, linked above, you see the prizes on the picture), watched rarely any TV, but rather was reading
[Gedacht] -
I thought... "Finish with the past, be happy about the things you presently have, stay open to the things which will come. Life is beautiful. Nobody said it would be easy."
[Gefreut] - da ich gerade überlege, was ich noch in meinem Leben tun und erreichen möchte, freue ich mich über jede Idee und jeden Wegweisenden Gedanken :)
I was happy... I´m considering at the moment what I want to do and achieve in my life, so I´m happy for every helpful thought and for every idea ;)
[Gekauft] - Frühlings- und Sommerklamotten von Bonprix, Asos und New Look (beide aus England); sobald ich die Lieferung von New Look erhalten habe, gibt es sicher einen Fashion Haul auf YouTube
I bought... some new clothes for Spring and Summer at Bonprix, Asos and New Look (both from Great Britain), I guess, there´ll be a fashion haul on YouTube, as soon as I receive the consignment from New Look
[Geklickt] - New Look & Asos in England; Bonprix; Amazon... meine Wunschliste an Büchern wird immer länger... ;)
I clicked... New Look & Asos from Great Britain; Bonprix; Amazon.... my wish list for books is growing and growing ;)
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